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A gilt–bronze pocket compas and sundial

  • Gilt-bronze and enamels
  • China
  • Qing dynasty (1644-1912)
  • Qianlong period (1735-1796)
  • 4 x 17 x 12 cm
  • French private collection


The elongated and polylobed shape sundial resting on three legs, with a white enamelled semicircle dial with Arabic numerals and ideograms, overhung by a vertical arm. In the lower part, a compass dial with the cardinal points in Chinese characters. The body of the dial delicately chiselled with floral scrolls. 


The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Scientific and Technical Instruments of the Qing Dynasty. Cat. 18, p. 25 et cat. 20, p. 27.

A gilt–bronze pocket compas and sundial

  • Gilt-bronze and enamels
  • China
  • Qing dynasty (1644-1912)
  • Qianlong period (1735-1796)
  • 4 x 17 x 12 cm
  • French private collection

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