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A twelve–armed Avalokiteshvara figure

  • Wood and gold lacquer
  • China
  • Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
  • 16th century
  • 49 cm
  • German private collection


The bodhisattva seated in padmasana, dressed in a light dhoti, the shoulders covered by elegantly draped scarves, the body adorned with many jewels. The main hands in dhyana mudra and anjali mudra, the other arms radiating around the body and holding various attributes: vajra, bell, wheel, flower … The plump face framed by ears with stretched lobes, two other faces at the back of the head, the eyes half-closed, with serene expression. The statue covered with a fine layer of gilt lacquer with bronze reflections.

A twelve–armed Avalokiteshvara figure

  • Wood and gold lacquer
  • China
  • Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
  • 16th century
  • 49 cm
  • German private collection

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