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A rare concave shape guandong enamel snuff bottle

  • Enamel on copper
  • China
  • Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)
    Yongzheng era (1722-1735)
  • 18th Century
  • 8,5 x 3,5 x 1,5 cm
  • Galerie Pierrette Di-Donna, Louvre des antiquaires, May 1985.


The snuffbox, with its unique elongated and concave shape, features an enamel-on-copper design, in the colors of the rose family against a pastel blue background. The small tobacco shovel is adorned with a pink quartz stone at the tip, encircled by a delicate rope carved into the copper. The design consists of pairs of birds: two large phoenixes, gazing at each other, tower above the other pairs of cranes, mandarin ducks, and swallows in the upper part. They are depicted in a landscape of rivers, trees, and peonies. These birds, drawn from the Chinese iconographic bestiary, coexist with other traditional symbols, such as the lingzhi, or the mushroom of immortality, and the red moon, associated with love in classical Chinese poetry. This bird-couple motif, abundant with symbols of love and longevity, suggests that this snuffbox was a wedding gift during the Yongzheng era. The bottom is decorated with a small hornless dragon painted on an aqua green background

A rare concave shape guandong enamel snuff bottle

  • Enamel on copper
  • China
  • Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)
    Yongzheng era (1722-1735)
  • 18th Century
  • 8,5 x 3,5 x 1,5 cm
  • Galerie Pierrette Di-Donna, Louvre des antiquaires, May 1985.

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